Eagle Harbor 1898


Eagle Harbor Web

An unofficial source of Eagle Harbor, Michigan news, views and information.

A collection of old Eagle Harbor pictures that help us better understand and appreciate the Harbor that is now ours to enjoy.

Old Pics

Eagle Harbor Tame Deer(click to enlarge.)
In the late 1930s and 1940s, Harbor children of all ages were delighted as several deer decided mooching from the locals sure beat foraging in the forest. "Bambi" was the first and most popular with the kids, but she and her friends "Dewey" and "Rusty" were Harbor regulars. They would play with the kids on the beach, visit local gardens and even stop at the Store for treats.

A number of photos of these characters grace Harbor scrapbooks. The beach photo (with me - the kid with the stick) was found by Ric Finke (at an ebay auction!) and Vern Robinson sent us the wonderful "on the ice" photo.

Eagle Harbor Range Lights(click to enlarge.)
Rick and Elaine Finke found this rare photo of the Cedar Creek range lights at an Ebay auction. The lights were installed in 1877 at the time the harbor's entry channel was blasted through the reef. The photo is dated about 1910. The range light keeper lived in the rear structure. The original lamps were oil. In 1928 electricty arrived at the harbor and the keeper job was eliminated. The Light House Board subsequently sold the rear structure to Gertrude Rowe who had it moved to its present location on M-26 in the winter of 1932-1933. Dr. Bob Rowe, Gertrude's son, and his wife, Lucille, and their family now own the structure which they have carefully maintained and enjoy as a summer cottage. It's known as the "Tower and Lantern" cottage. (Does anyone know what happened to the front light structure?)

Andrea (Rowe) O'Brien (Bob and Lucille's granddaughter) sends us these photo's she found of the old range lights. She notes, "Evidently there was a rear kitchen in the tower and lantern but it fell off in the move. I cant help but laugh when I see the old photo of "our cottage" - the once front door you see in the photo is now the rear door to the bathroom." (Click photos to enlarge.)

The Gibson Collection

Bill and Karen Gibson share some of their old Eagle Harbor postcard collection. To view, click "The Gibson Collection."

The Boutwell/King Collection

Bill and Mary (King) Boutwell share some very special old Eagle Harbor pictures from their family collection. To view, click "The Boutwell/King Collection."

The 1929 Standing Of The Steamship Ralph Budd At Cat Harbor

Our thanks to Bruce and Jeane Olson of Cat Harbor for these very rare photos of the steamer RALPH BUDD on the reef at Cat Harbor. Downbound from Duluth, the BUDD was caught in a northeast gale and blinding snowstorm on May 15, 1929 (yes, most years winter lasts into May), and crashed into the near shore reef about 10:30 that night. The wind was so fierce and the snow so thick that she was not discovered until 9:30 the following morning. Most of her crew made it ashore in the ship's lifeboats, the remainder were rescued by the Eagle Harbor Coast Guard crew. Many Eagle Harbor families tell stories of their parents and grandparents salvaging food products, especially butter, washed ashore from the ship's holds. The BUDD was pulled from the reef later that summer and after extensive repairs, returned to service.
(Click photo for enlarged image.)
Ralph Budd Ralph Budd

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