

Eagle Harbor Web

An unofficial source of Eagle Harbor, Michigan news, views and information.

Harbor Q & A

A Forum For Posing And Answering Questions About Eagle Harbor

We have had a lot of fun on this page digging into such important queries as the legend of the Popeye Rock , why is Cat Harbor so named, what's the scoop on sidewalks in this rustic setting, what's the best pasty recipe, is Eagle Harbor the Mecca of International Guts Frisbee?. Some of us have even learned a few things.

These weighty topics are among several unanswered questions I, and perhaps you, have about Eagle Harbor. This "Question and Answer", or Harbor Q & A, addition to George's Eagle Harbor Web is a forum for Eagle Harborites to pose and answer such questions. So join in the fun. Substance and triva are equally welcomed, as are fact and fancy. Watch for your question, your answer.

Eagle Harbor Q & A

What and Where Is This? (01/30/09)
(Click the photo by Fred Geis
And yes, the black blur at left is our Copper Falls correspondant, Thor.)

(From Scott & Angie, 1/30) "It's the "BAT CAVE" cover (over an old mine shaft, air outlet) in the bush around Copper Falls"

(From Thomas Ellis, 1/30)"The object in up in copper falls.Its built over a mine shaft so that bats can live in there."

(From Beth Van Hoosier, 1/30)" That has to be an alien porta potty !
"I made the photo bigger and am guessing it is a vent for one of the local mines??" (Beth Van Hoosier, 1/30)

(From Elaine Wildman, 1/30)"Your mystery picture is the bat outlet from an old mining opening --- found on a turnoff from the Central road. How neat to see it in winter. Did you take the picture? I've gone there in an early evening to see the bats come out."

(From Stumped Downer Peninsula, 1/30) "I know I've seen that mine cap, that they bothered to paint it blue and marked graduations struck me odd. I can't figure out for the life of me where I've seen it though - here's hoping you tell us before I go mad. It seemed like I'd seen it at/near the Kingston (but I would assume you to be wandering nearer the Harbor ... but I don't remember Copper Falls, Central or Delaware having modern caps let alone bat cage vents)."

(From Ginny Jamison, 1/31) "The Bat cover is on the old Petherick Mine off the Central Road (which should be called Petheric Hill). It is on the first road to the left as you ascend the hill from the Eagle Harbor Cut Off Road."

(From Bryan MacKenzie, 2/02)"A Bat Cage that is located off the central road, used to be one of the access points to the Copper Falls mine before the State came through and capped off many older, lesser known mine openings. Spent many a day and night squeezing down an adjacent opening into a stope and wandering the many tunnels, mapping the different openings and matching to one of Monette's many mine books purchased from the bookstore in downtown Houghton. Once we even thought we accessed the tunnel that used to run down the hill to where the stamp sands are located, but it got a little too treacherous to continue with ancient beams and quite a bit of water along the way...this was located about 500-600 ft below the entry level, as we were able to get 9 levels down before hitting the water table."
Very interesting, Bryan. I, too, when more nimble and adventuresome, crawled through these workings. There is however, some confusion as to whether the shaft this cage sits upon was part of the Copper Falls mine workings. Many believe it's part of the Petherick mine. I believe it's both. Originally opened by the Copper Falls Mining Company as a part of its East Vein workings and then in 1861, when Copper Falls Co organized the Petherick Mining Company, the East Vein workings all became part of the new company. (The Copper Falls Co retained the workings to the east, near Owl Creek.) However, the shaft location map in Don Clarke's booklet on the Copper Falls Co , does show a couple shafts just west of Owl Creek, not far from the Central Road but outside the Petherick boundary. One of them might be the "bat house" shaft.
"That's good to know, I had not researched the Petherick Mine. We accessed the mine at the base of the "copper falls" up the hill from where Fred Geis' new home is located a couple of times during dry season, but mostly accessed through a series of groundwater openings through a stope "winze" approximately 50 yds from where the main track shaft accessed the varying levels. It has been a couple years since I went up to the bat cage, but I know while they were building it, they had capped the location we used to access into the stope, but had dug out the collapsed portion of the track shaft and placed the cage over that. There used to be a large cable flywheel just below where the cage is located at the top of the tracks. We would have continued to use the waterfall entrance, but the water and freeze keeps opening and closing that entrance to the mine and it also was very dangerous. It was a tight squeeze down a short chute, with a 2-ft drop to rest your feet and climb out to the right, but a 20-ft drop into darkness if you leaned left...needless to say, we didn't prefer going in that way and once we knew the layout from inside, secured that as an exit of last resort. The portion of the mine under the waterfall that lead down toward the tunnel we believed went to the stamp sands was isolated from the larger section of the mine where the bat cage is located through a short tunnel that collapsed between times we visited. We were able to squeeze through the collapse once, and mark our way, but each return trip the chute appeared smaller and smaller and therefore less interesting to those of us who would like to make a return trip to the Cliff View or Vansville!

Always nice to hear Harbor area information...I have attempted to squeeze through more mines up there than I probably should have...just wished I had taken better photography or video functions were as simple back then as they are today!"

(From Al Johnson, 2/4) "As Tom Ellis and Ginny noted on your web site, this is a bat cage.

It was installed by John McKana around 1996 or 97, as I recall (without checking my field notes) for International Paper Co. (Lake Superior Land). I believe it's installation was partly paid for by Bat Conservation International located in Texas. This shaft is one of the numerous openings into the Ashbed mine which lies between the Owl Creek Fissure mine to the east and the Petherick Fissure mine to the west. Both of these fissures extend NNW-SSE and have many shaft openings. My information lists this as the Ashbed No. 2 shaft, a vertical shaft. I believe it was an air shaft as there is no evidence of rock pile remains nearby. The Ashbed mine was a stope mine within the Ashbed formation which dips 28 degrees to the NNW. Unlike the fissure mines which mined the near-vertical mineralized fissures, the Ashbed was a tabular orebody (the ashbed flow). Production records show that 17,706,352 pounds of copper were recovered from the Ashbed mine from1858-1893.

The blue steel cylinder sitting above the 10x10 foot shaft was formerly a steel tank that McKana used "as is". I told John that he should have painted it camouflage, but I guess that wasn't part of the contract."

Who Is This Guy? (10/31/08)
Just a couple blocks from downtown Eagle Harbor, this brightly painted carving sits high in a tree trunk. What's the story? Who carved it, and why?

(From Charles & Lillian Hadler, 11/01)"Surprised to see our "mask" on your site on Sat. Nov.1. It's been up there on that tree for years. We found him at a flea market in Lincoln, Illinois about 15yrs. ago.and couldn't resist moving him to Eagle Harbor. That's his story as far as we know."

(From Beth Van Hoosier, 11/4) I thought for sure the mask/totem was a Heikka Lunta representation ?

What Happended to the Eagle Harbor Life Saving Station?
Built In 1910-1912, It Disappeared in The 1950s. What happened To It?

(From Chuck Rowe, 11/4) "Thanks for your reply. If everyone is making ref. to the Station house I think they are,-- yes it was torn down. By chance I worked with a man at GM who was born there, and in our conversations, he confirmed to me that all remaing buildings were torn down, and so was the large building which also housed all individuals (maybe one in the same). If he is still living, and I'm sure retired, it would put a final nail in the subject!"

(From George Hite, 11/4) " Chuck, the big white house moved across the harbor and now next to the lighthouse was part of the Navy radio/compass station and sat over near the current recreational boat ramp. You can see it in the attached photo of the original boathouse - it's on the right edge of the photo. The Station house is to the left of the boathouse. Most believe the Station house was simply torn down when the station was closed in the early 1950s."

(From Chuck Rowe, 11/1) " I'm about 99% sure where the "Eagle Harbor Life Saving Station" is located! If you look at Neil Harri's air photo of the Eagle Harbor Light Station you will see the light house and two additional houses -- one of them, the white one, is the actual "STATION." We have photos in the "Tower and Lantern" showing the complete "STATION" on a large barge being towed by a tug boat from one side of the harbor to the other."

(click to enlarge)

Who Can Tell Us Where This Eagle Harbor Lakeshore Arch Rock Is Located ? (1/30/05)

Clues: An Old Post Card Calls It "Lone Pine Arch" and Charlotte Catoni Is The Photographer

"Just finished a visit to your web site and regarding the photo by Charlotte Catoni, I believe the "Arch Rock" is on the Lake side of Silver Island near Agate Harbor. We used to go out by boat to hunt agates under it." (Gratia Scrutton, 1/31)

" Unless I am mistaken, Charlotte's picture was taken from just in front of the Loveland cottage on the Grand Marais Road (off Marina Road). That picturesque rock sits immediately in front of another Loveland cottage next to (just east of) the original Loveland cottage. My familiarity stems from the fact that my mother (Martha) was Fanny Loveland's sister and I've been in that cottage many, many times." (Jim Royston, 1/30)

"Arch rock looks like it is in front of the old Ewart cottage. They had that years ago and I'm not sure who owns that now. Sure brings back a lot of memories." (Cathy(Milford)Reilly, 2/1)

"I believe the photo is of the arched rock on the North shore of Arch Island, the first large island East of Grand Marias." (John Diemart, 2/2)

Now, the rock. Is that the rock arch off of "Arch Island" down by Little Grande Marais Harbor? There is one like it off that island that John Whyte has built a house on. (Jane and Rick Church, 2/2)

"Hi George, enjoy your web site, usually check in once a day until I can return in July. Ms. Scrutton is mostly correct in the location, but I'd put the rock directly off what we call West Island. We used to take a flotilla of people and boats down there for picnic dinners years ago from Agate Harbor." (Dan Teare, 2/2)

"Jim Royston was right, the arched rock is in front of "Loveland 2" just east of our cottage on Grand Marais Road. Bruce has his laptop at the Care Center now and enjoys reading all of the news from Eagle Harbor." (Pat and Bruce Bjorseth, 2/2)

(click to enlarge)Arch Rock " Is where Steve Kellow would have ended up back in 1977 if Shear Pin Reef hadn't of stopped him............ Scottie Robinson, starring as navigator, first class! So much for Silver Island.(MRL, 2/15)

When Did Miss Michigan Have Lunch At The "Hotel" and Who Was Ken Zigmund?
OK, you old timers, put on your thinking caps! (Mike Hohner, 11/8/03)

(Sue Adams, 11/12) " I remember Ken Zigmond well. He drove some of the girls in a parade way back when up in Calumet. He wanted us to wear our bathing suits but that was a little risque back then!! I also remember Miss Michigan eating at the hotel and the flotilla from Copper Harbor carrying Miss Michigan, the Keweenaw Centennial Queen (Regina Latoski), and if I remember correctly, Marie Lammerand was part of the court. She told me everyone was close to being seasick when they got to Eagle Harbor! I believe Bob King Sr. and Bob Goodell both drove boats with the girls. The year would have been 1961 "I think!" My memory is getting a little shaky! I've got to think about this Ken Zigmond thing a little more. He was related to the Sprietzers at Sand Bay. I believe their grandmother lived in the big sandstone "castle" in Laurium. I remember Ken's friend Andy Vargo, who was a meat cutter at the old A&P in Calumet. Andy could take the door off his car car when we were going down the highway which we all thought was hysterical. Beyond this info I'm blank....another "senior" moment......if I remember more tomorrow I'll write again!"

What and Where Was This Tower and Where Is It Now?
Gene Gray found these photos (click for another) at an estate sale in Mohawk. Anyone recognize this former and present Harbor landmark?

"Bruce is right. The tower was on the lakeshore just east of the old Coast Guard station. The concrete footings for the four legs are still there - on our property (formerly Betty Hammond's), straight back from the grey stucco house that housed North Wind Books 1995-1999. And now it's in the little park on the cutoff road." ( Peter Van Pelt 12/03)

"I think the tower you show in the photo is the old Coast Guard lookout tower that used to be on the shore just east of the current Eagle Harbor marina. When Pat and I spent our honeymoon in Eagle Harbor in 1955,we climbed the tower on a vertical ladder which went through a small hole in the middle of the floor.The view was great.One problem.I found out Pat was afraid of heights- I couldn't get her to come down the ladder. After much encouragement and her white knuckles, I got her down so we didn't have to spend the rest of our married life up there. Later they moved the tower to the rest stop on the Eagle Harbor cut off and remodeled it." (Bruce Bjorseth, 12/01)

"George, I believe the tower was used by the coast guard to watch the lake." (Susan Harvey-Adams, 11/30)

"The tower sure looks like the tower that is/was at Copper Falls(?), along the cut-off road. I anxiously await the real answer!" (Steve King, 11/29)

Why Are Five Mile and Seven Mile Points So Named?
"Not being much of a historian, I assume the names for 5 and 7 mi point relate to the distance from Eagle River. Do you know when they were given those names?" (Chuck McDowell, 11/01)

They have never made much sense to me. Five Mile is about five miles (4 & 1/2) to Eagle River (by boat), but it's another three miles to Seven Mile. No wonder there are so many shipwrecks along this coast. Anyone know why they are so named and when the names first appeared?

"Re "Why Are Five Mile and Seven Mile Points So Named?", we were told by Mary Frabotta (Sand Hills Lighthouse) that those were the distances that ships were ordered to stay offshore from that location. In the case of 5 Mile Point, there's a reef offshore that claimed a lot of ships, and if they stayed 5 miles offshore they'd be safe." (Frank Christensen, 11/15)
"When Bruce and I and our Son and Daughter-in-law toured Sand Hills Lighthouse at 5 mile point we were told by our tour guide that 5 mile point was so called because the freighters had to stay 5 miles off shore to avoid the reefs. I would assume that the same holds true for 7 mile point. I have no idea when they were named -- probably when shipping first started on Lake Superior." (Jeane Olson, 11/15)
I'm not sure about this. Perhaps, but the reefs are less than a mile offshore.
" I received e-mail from Dan Leskinen ( dayooper@coslink.net) and his theory is that they were named by Surveyor Houghton. Maps prior to his survey showed nameless points, but after his survey the maps showed the names. Dan says a section line intersects Eagle River and that SE of the section line is another intersection from which it is 5 miles and 7 miles respectively to the Points. You probably know Dan as he is a member of the Keweenaw Historical Society and is a native son of the Keewenaw." (Chuck McDowell, 11/20)
This makes sense. I suspect it's the real explanation. Thanks to Dan and Chuck.

Where Has All The Snow Gone?
"This may seem a silly question, but I can't help myself. If you have received 171 " of snow so far for the year and Most of it probably fell in Dec., and my guess is that it hasn't warmed much if any above freezing, and there is Now 35" on the ground, Where has the other 136 " gone ? I realize that not all would still be there, but 136" seems like alot." (Sam Austin, 1/10)

Not a silly question Sam. Lots of folks ask this question when they look at the Keweenaw Snow Thermometer arrow pointing to 25 feet and they are standing only knee deep in snow. I sent your query along to John Dee, our local snow guru. Here's his response.

"It is the packing or settling of the snow that causes the snow cover to be only a fraction of what falls. The majority of our snow is of the Lake Effect variety which is almost always light and fluffy or comprized mainly of air. Then as new snow falls upon it, the previous snowfall is compressed and the air is pressed out of it. So you end up with a snowpack that is very dense and compacted at the bottom and contains little air. I have found that there is about a 6:1 ratio for the compression or settling of the snow, meaning that 6" of LES will eventually be compacted to 1" over time. Evaporation does lead to a little loss, but that only accounts for about 5% or less of the loss during the winter. Once spring arrives and the temps begin to consistently rise above freezing, then melting and evaporation take over. Incidently, it is possible to have evaporation take place with temps well below freezing. The water molucule just goes from a solid (ice) to a gas (water vapor). The process is called sublimation." (John Dee, 1/10)

A mountain lion sighting has been reported in Keweenaw. Is that possible?
"I noticed a message on your web site inquiring about the possibility of mountain lions in the UP. See the linked article for recent proof." (Brad King, 11/19/01)

" My husband Bill and I fell in love with the Keweenaw Bay area about a year and a half ago. We bought property in the Silver River Reserve, about 14 miles west of Baraga. Anyways, we came up to the U.P from our home here in Hemlock Michigan about twice a month all last summer. One night in July 1999, about 1:30 in the morning we saw a Mountain Lion cross the road approximately 100 yards beyond Mt. Shasta on US 28 / 41 . I was in awe.This mountain lion was only 5 feet from our truck !! I am positive this was a mountain lion as I have seen several at different zoos across the country. We went to the DNR office in Baraga to report this sighting the next day, although they looked at us like we may be crazy , I got the impression that they seriously believed us. The DNR said they couldn't go look for tracks as it had rained all night. I have seen everything from Bear to wolves to Mountain Lion now in the U.P. I look forward to seeing a Moose someday as it is one of the only "wild" creatures I have not yet seen in beautiful god's country." (Robin Haag, 12/26)

"One night in about 1975, when I didn't have much vacation time and we used to leave Cedar Rapids IA about 4:30 PM and arrive in Eagle Harbor about 2:30 AM, we did see a good sized mountain lion. We were on US. 41 about 1/4 mile west of the Eagle Harbor turnoff. We couldn't believe our eyes. His body was about 4 feet long with a 3 foot tail. He was crossing the road just ahead of us, looking over his shoulder as if to say " slow down because I'm not going to hurry".We told fellow Harborites , but they thought we'd been on the road too long.A few months later in the DNR magazine there wes a short article about sightings in the Eagle Harbor area. We haven't seen one since." (Bruce Bjorseth, 12/11)

"Both my husband's nephew & his wife saw one- several years ago- on the road to Gay. They said it took a single leap across the road. His wife also saw one near the Cliff in the same year when she was going to work. In any event with the destruction, ah, I mean construction, of the Keweenaw, I'm certain if they are still around, they won't be for long." (Priscilla Ross-Fox, 12/10)

What is Jilbert's "Superman" ice cream.
"Jilbert's Superman ice cream is still made but under a different name. Rainbow ice cream is today's Superman. I know this well, as I sell about 9 gallons of Rainbow (Superman) weekly at my ice cream shop in Copper Harbor. Though most of the Rainbow is sold to children, many gallons a week are sold to adults." (George Nousiainen, 2/9)

"George......and where were the dear souls who remember the "Superman" ice cream before they hit Jilbert's? My grandfather sent Becky and I to Nel North's or Jilbert's every night for an ice cream cone. I can remember Spumoni which I hated! But, superman doesn't even ring a bell! The cho chos at the snack shack were also yummy!" (Susan Adams}

"Boy are you missing out! They also call it rainbow ice cream. It is not sherbet, but a colorful kind of tutti-fruiti flavor. It is the color of Superman's costume. Just thinking about it makes me hungry for it!! I also found it in Wisconsin but no luck on the west coast. The first thing we had to do when we went to the UP last summer was to look for it. Try some!" (Camille Krueger)

"Okay,I blew it, one of my cooks said she indeed remembers "Superman" ice cream. I asked our Jilbert's driver if they still made it and he said, "Yes!" I asked where it could be purchased and he said Econo or Festival Foods in Houghton. It is not available in Wisconsin. It must have come out AFTER our ice cream cone days were over!" (Sue Adams, 12/8)

"Superman ice cream still exists! My son states its, blueberry, bubble gum, and 3 more colors / flavors. Most recently eaten at a local TCBY store in Indiana. He claims " it has it's own unique flavor". I look forward to reading of the other findings in this area! Also eaten in Walloon Lake (Jillberts brand) last summer." (Larry Westby, 12/9)
How Much Does One Of Keweenaw's Giant Snow Plows Cost?

Source: Keweenaw County Road Commission's Official Snow Measurer
They have five of them, plus two older units in reserve. Each has a two man crew; one drives, the other operates the big wing plow.
(Click plow to enlarge)

How Long Does It Take To Swim Across The Harbor? Who Claims The Record?
"I'm still the holder of the cross harbor swim record (west to east beach). 59 minutes (1959). Ask Jimbo!" Roland Bruce Burgan. Hancock, MI.

"I thought I remembered Dick Lantz or Jim Boggio setting a record for their swim across the harbor. It might have been another kind of record, they were always up to something! One summer they were water skiing on a door and I think they had some kind of routine over the ski jump that used to be in the harbor. My father always thought they were the greatest!" (Susan Adams)

From Rick Johnson when asked about daughter Kate's across-harbor swimming feats. "Our recollection from the summer of '98 is 43 minutes each way. She established a rhythm and stuck to it. She swam east to west, took a short break at the west beach, then repeated west to east."

What's It Take To Get The Lake Effect Snow Machine Really Cranked Up?
Meteorologist Jon Dee answeres this question of vast import to anyone in the lee of the big lake. Read Lake Effect Snow

Where' The "Old Military Road"? (Jim Wachowski, 1/00)
Do you know the whereabouts or have you ever heard of an old road known as the "Old Military Road"? Supposedly in the area of Copper Harbor (most likely from the Fort to somewhere). I had heard about this road in the early 70's from Don Clark, but never did find it. Don has since passed away, and I keep trying to find the Old Military Road.
The military road is the one that runs around Grand Marias through Godell's property and by the new houses. It runs by the new house at Silver River and through Kipfer's property. I think it did run all of the way to Copper Harbor. Sue Adams.

A section of the old military road that ran from Fort Wilkins to Green Bay can be found behind the dump (solid waste facility) on the left side of the clearing as you head west. Although it is overgrown and has a lot of dead fall trees accross it, you can follow it to Copper Falls.Pat Ryan

Three Questions From Trevor
Trevor Bach, grandson of Harbor neighbors Clarence and Ann Bach, is seeking answers to three questions. I'll answer the second, but need your help on the others.

1. The Cat Harbor ship wreck got me thinking. I remember hearing a story about a ship carrying cars one winter a long time ago. The ship semi-sank and the crew started to drive these cars off the ship and onto the ice. The story goes that they didn't get all of them, so some are still down there. Now, this makes a great story, but the shipping companies know better than to come so close to shore and they definitely know not to run during the winter. Was someone pulling my leg?
"Hi Trevor. Go to www.execpc.com/~bbaillod/kindex.html for the story of the cars that were salvaged from the Lake." (Jean McGrath)
(Editor) For a fascinating family memory of this event go to The City of Bangor Wreck

2. Where the heck are the 'Stamp Sands'. The kids of the "new" ice-cream shop near Koop's took me to the stamp sands 10 or more years ago. A few years later I took an unfortunate girl on a hike to find the 'Stamp Sands'. We left at about 5 in the evening got lost at about 6:30 and finally found our way to the highway about a mile west of Cat Harbor. I apologize every time I see that poor girl!

Nice story Trevor. I believe you. My guess is that her folks were more suspect. Anyway, the "stamp sands" are located behind Cat Harbor and Great Sand Bay. It's a vast flat wasteland of the residue from the rock stamping mill which was located at the base of the hill below the Copper Falls Mine. To get there, follow the road that runs past Pine Grove Cemetary west a couple miles. When the road takes a sharp turn to the left and up the hill, you hike to the right a couple hundfred feet and you'll soon arrive at the bluff overlooking the stamp sands. Just to your left are the remains of the stamp mill and Copper Falls creek, which flows out of the old mine shaft, actually mine "adit". The stamp sands are a winter playground for snowmobilers. Some local visionaries have suggested that it might make a great location for the Eagle Harbor International Airport!

3. Any news on the raising of the huge piece of float copper in Great Sand Bay? I heard Copper Harbor is fighting Tech for its final resting place.

"I talked to Bob Barron, staff/curator of the Seaman Mineral Museum, 3 summers ago, and he had talked of the float copper. I believe that he found the float copper in Sand Bay while he was SCUBA diving. There has been slight rumor, by a few geo. people, that the float copper will eventually be displayed somewhere on Tech's campus -- possibly on the north-bound side of US 41 as one is entering campus, near Lot 9 and McNair Hall, where there is already a Michigan Tech sign. First the float copper needs to be lifted out of Sand Bay onto a barge, probably by the Army Core of Engineers. The next problem is transporting the copper overland. I say problem, because it is supposedly very big. Also the cost is a factor. As for Copper Harbor/Tech fighting over it, I have no idea." (Tim Dombrowski 3rd year Geological Engineering Horak/Mugford Cottage, 1/24)

Anyone have information, or perhaps just scuttlebutt, about the Brockway hermit? Karen Saunders Kezele sent us the following query.
"I am from the copper country and it (Harbor Web) brought back alot of memories of the Harbor area. When I was young I had the chance to meet the hermit in Eagle Harbor area. I toured his hut,met his cat meow,meow and dog bark,bark. Can you tell me what ever became of him? Is he still around and does he have any living relatives? Do you have any history on him?

Beg, borrow or steal the book "Keweenaw Character" by the late Mac Frimodig and you'll find the whole story on Bill Mattila, the Brockway Hermit. He was found dead in his shelter in 1985. (Bob Masnado)

Although there's been alot written about Bill Mattila, a.k.a. the "Hermit of Brockway" or the "Mountain Man" and many other aliases, perhaps the chapter in David "Mac" Frimodig's book "Keeweenaw Character" called "Mountain Man" has one of the most interesting stories and history about a truly unique Keweenaw character. I'm sure you'll find this book still available in most of the Copper Country book stores or gift shops. Let me know if you need more. I know alot of other Keweenaw folks have information about the "Brockway Hermit" too. (Gary & Sharon Boushelle)

Who can enlighten us about the "Buckeye Boys"? A Harbor Web reader recently asked about them. I remembered stories of a bunch of boys from Ohio spending summers at a Delaware camp in the 1960's and tantalizing the Harbor girls. Who were they, where was their Ohio home, do any of them still visit our area? Any stories about them?

What I remember about the Buckeye Boys:
My friend, Sue Adams, was enthralled with those Cincinnati Boys that stayed in Delaware for many years. She will enlighten us with her memories. I believe they were from a Catholic Boys high school. We would sit for hours on the porch of Rudy and Mary's store waiting for a glimpse of them. One time, Cathy Milford and I had the honor of going with our fathers to Delaware. The men were planning the annual Eagle Harbor baseball game. Our 12 or 13 year old hormones were a humming. And, of course, back at the Harbor, our status was temporarily elevated. I believe they built the new cabin near Bette Gries or on the road to Gay while I was in my late teens. (Liz Benson, 3/6)

In the 1940's, a former local Calumet gentleman, Joe Hellner, was living in Cincinnati and worked for Proctor & Gamble. He worked with many young boys from Roger Bacon High School as a volunteer coach, and mentor. I am not sure how they obtained what used to be the Horace Greeley property at Delaware. Joe and several other adult males started bringing some of these young men up to spend two weeks at a time, to give them an opportuntity to get out of the city. They all had their specific chores to do while they were in camp, and they visited many of the local sites each summer that they were here. There are several of the Buckeye boys still living. One of them is an annual visitor, Father Ed Lammert, who stays at Holy Redeemer in Eagle Harbor, every summer for two weeks; his co-partner, Father Knoll Williams, was also an instructor at Roger Bacon High School. Yes, they were quite the novelty and thrill when we were young gals, in Eagle Harbor. We would wait patiently for their daily trip to get the mail at the Eagle Harbor Store, just sitting on the steps with our cokes and cheese popcorn, hoping we could visit for ten minutes! Joe was quite strict with them, but he did let them come in town for bon fires once in awhile. They also had an annual ballgame with the local Eagle Harbor crowd for several years. Several of us corresponded with them during the winter months, and we did seem to make the locals jealous, at times!!
Yes, many of them do return for visits, and last summer, two of the Buckeyes of the 50's spent a few days here, Pete Speed, and Jerry Doerger. Barb Sickler, Mary Beyers, and several of us did catch up on news after 40 years. Joe Hellner, came up every summer, even after the Buckeye Barracks was torn down. He spent his last years at a new location, between LacLabelle, and Gay. He was a wonderful man, and even now the Buckeyes hold an annual Golf Tournament in Cincinnati, in Joe's memory.
To this day, we will remember the good times we had with those Buckeye Boys from Ohio!!! (Mary K.[Carlton] Masnado/ 3/6)

Ah yes, those were the days at the harbor!! We first met them at Great Sand Bay in 1959. The gang went to play in the waves and the Buckeyes were there. I was wearing a white Janzen bathing suit. When I walked by Pete Speed he said, "Hello Tuffy." That name stuck for as long as they knew me. They were from Roger Bacon High School and most lived in St. Bernard, Ohio. We would stay camped on the store steps for hours waiting for them to come and pick up the mail. I think that we drove Mary Francisco nuts!! When they did arrive we would make small talk with them, go in the store and hang out and in about 10 minutes they were gone again in their black '59 Chevy. When living in Deleware they would have a race once a summer from Deleware to the harbor. The gang would assemble on our porch at the first sign of light and we would wait and wait and wait half of the day for them. I really liked Jim Lammert and another guy called Willy. I remember the day that they moved to South Point! I felt that the world was coming to an end!!(Sue Adams,3/9)

Some of us call the fishing boats of Lake Superior commercial fisherman, "tugs". The son of a local commercial fisherman says he never heard the term used by his father or other big lake fisherman. Is "tug" a correct type name for these sturdy boats?

Fish TugFish Tug: "Trawlers 50 feet and longer catch smelt, herring, and trout. Smaller fishing vessels work pond nets. Some areas also have gill net fish tugs similar in appearence, but often much larger."(Bob Masnado, from web search, 1/30)

Keweenaw is celebrated for it's lush and abundant wildflowers. We love them and honey bees thrive on them. Why then are there no beekeepers around? Or are there? Anyone know?

George just ask Don Keith about the perils of beekeeping in Eagle Harbor. Haven't you heard of bears? Winnie-the-Pooh and his love of honey would give you some clue. Don tried a few years ago, and the bears loved his hive of bees and their product. A couple of hundred pounds of cement blocks on top of the hives was no problem for the bears when they smelled honey. Now the hives are prominently displayed by Eliza to discourage the wandering fishermen who tend to litter and move the creek rocks around, but they are not housing bees!! AJohnson

Attention all pasty affcionados and belivers in piskies and knackers. Is this the recipe for the ultimate pasty? (I know this is an emotional subject but lets keep it civil!)

3 c, flour
1 1/2 sticks butter (cold and cut into bits)
1 1/2 tsp. salt
6 tbsp. water

In a large bowl, combine flour, butter and salt. Blend ingredients until well combined and add water, one tablespoon at a time to form the dough. Toss mixture until it forms a ball. Kneed dough lightly against a smooth surface with heel of the hand tp distribute fat eveningly. Form into a ball, dust with flower, wrap in wax paper and chill for 30 minutes.

1 lb. round steak, coursely ground
1 lb. boneless pork loin, coursely ground
5 carrots, chopped
2 lg. onions, chopped
2 potatoes, peeled and chopped
1/2 c. rutabaga, chopped 2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pwpper

Combine all ingredients in large bowl. Devide the dough into 6 pieces, and roll one of the [ieces into a 10-inch round on a lightly flowered surface. Put 1 1/2 cups of filling on half of the round. Moisten the edges and fold the unfilled half over the filling to enclose it. Pinch the edges together to seal them and crimp them decoratively with a fork. Transfer pasty to lightly buttered baking sheet and cut several slits in the top. Roll out and fill remaining dough in the same manner. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes. Put 1 tsp. butter through a slit in each pasty and continue baking for 30 minutes more. Remove from oven, cover with a damp tea towel, cool for 15 minutes.

George, George, George...
What courage you have taking on the ultimate pasty recipe! May I add my mother's crust recipe?

Less than a half a pound of lard
3 to 3 1/2 cups of flour
A palm of salt
Enough water to make it feel right.

I don't think she ever identified a procedure--the ingredients were mystery enough!?

As you can see, this could be passed on to anyone without fear that they could duplicate her results.

There is supposed to be a saying in Cornwall that the devil wouldn't cross the Tamar River (the northern boundary) for fear they'd cut him up and put him in a pasty. But in the pasty gospel according to Ralph (when he wasn't telling stories to children as Popeye Rock alleges), a pasty should contain round or flank steak, cut, not ground, into pieces.

Tom Ellis swears that his mother chipped the potatos and rutabagas with a spoon. He actually did that a week or two ago and it worked. (Jean Ellis)

(I asked Jean about the carrots. Her response:)

If you can include the devil, carrots shouldn't be the worst thing that happens! But in the gospel according to Ralph, this was indeed a sacrilege.

The Harbor Q & A Archive. Check it out!

Ah, the Summer of '59. Who Are The Folks In That Famous Harbor Beach Scene Photo?
The Popeye Rock Story
What's The History Of The "Cutoff Road" To Eagle Harbor?
The Popeye Rock Story
Did "Big Jim" MacNaughton Have A Cottage At Agate Harbor?
Eagle Harbor...A Guts Frisbee Mecca?
Why Sidewalks In Eagle Harbor?

Why Is Cat Harbor Named Cat Harbor? )

If you can help with these questions, or have questions of your own, Email to George.

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