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Memorial Service George was the Webmaster of this website, active in the Keweenaw Historical Society, and was an inspiration to many as an early adopter of the Internet. See his obituary for more on George's life. Your comments welcome on |
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Now have the "Cloud" issue solved.
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Eagle Harbor Web On![]() Check It out. Post a Comment. Become A Fan |
A Favorite Lake Superior Web Cam![]() Duluth Harbor Entry Nice View Of The Western Lake and Occasionally Some Ship Action | Lake Superior From Space![]() Lake Superior Satellite NOAA Updates This Daily |
Here's Tom Landowski's Great Eagle Harbor StormVideo
Winter 2011 - 2012`` Season Snowfall
October 0.0" Season To Date 0.0"
![]() Something New Almost Every Day Please Check Your "Eagle Mail" Address! Also Visit the Harbor Web Facebook Site For More Messages | ![]() (click to enlarge) Peregrine's Summer 2011 Lake Superior Cruise Map Here's 2009 Here's 2007 Here's 2006 Here's 2005 |
![]() Township News. Check Out The Township's Great Web Site Board Meeting Minutes Posted |
![]() Jackson's Harbor Cam |
![]() Today's UP Weather |
October 30 eagle-mail: E-Mail ghite@pasty.net 277 E. North Street Eagle Harbor, MI 49950 |
Today Out My Window October 30th ![]() Looks Like Another Snowless October A Balmy 50 Degrees. Good For Trick or Treaters Today or Tomorrow? |
"Eagle Harbor Web Facebook" viewers have access to occasional Harbor Web editor musings - not journals, let's call them vignettes - that many loyal followers of this web site, those not burdened/blessed with a Facebook account, miss. If you're among this group, you aren't missing much of interest or value. But a few have got wind of my innocent indiscretion, and, for whatver reason, have asked that I post these little Facebook morsels on the Harbor Web as well. So I will, at least those that meet the Harbor Web's literary standards for imaginative, opinionated, not necessarily factual, writing.
Here's a few of the most recent Facebook posts
![]() "Absolutely stunning." That's the reaction of someone who visited the Keweenaw National Park's new Calumet Visitors Center located in the beautifully renovated Union Building on Fifth Street. I hope to be able to post some photos of the state-of-art exhibits celebrating life and work in the former great metroplis of Red Jacket, but for now I'd encourage you to visit the web site Copper Country Explorer and read the seven part series about the history of the building, enriched with outstanding photos of the renovation. A visit to the new Center will surely be a "must do" on your next visit to the Keweenaw.
![]() O'my, the number of folks occasionally stopping by the Harbor Web Facebook page has reached eleven hundred. At least that's the number willing to confess they're Harbor Huggars. I wonder how many thousand more stumbled in for a peek, and left muttering, "I don't get it. What's the big deal?" Ah, that's our secret - there are no "big deals". A crisp fall day, like today, with sunlight sweeping across the golden hills and sparkling like diamonds on the rippling harbor waters, and with clean and invigorating lake air filling our lungs, tinged just a bit with the sweet aroma of firewood burning, goes a long way here. Who needs a "big deal"?
. |
So, yesterday, when I set aside good sense, and yielded to the sirens luring me to snow capped Mt Baldy, I left the Snickers in camp. Of course, the odds of encountering a Keweenaw black bear in February are no better than my fortune in the Packer pools, but with the warmth of this winter, one never knows. Perhaps lured from his or her den by the appearance, or maybe the reality, of winter ending, stomach growling from too much fasting, pa or ma bear might be out looking for someone to eat. The pickings are pretty slim in February - not many tasty bipedals wandering about this time of year. Under these meager circumstances, even an old geezer like me might look pretty tempting.
I think Bryson is a bit paranoid about all this canine chomping, but his research is compelling. I once thought that if accosted by a bear, one could avoid the inevitable by playing dead. Bryson says that only sometimes work with grizzlies (who seemingly are in it for the hunt), never with black bears. Black bears, the kind we have, are harvesters, compulsive nibblers. Of course, no one I know has ever been eaten by a bear, nor is spooky story telling time around late night beach fires laced with bear attack stories, but perhaps the subject is taboo. Would anyone ever confess that a bear had eaten a kin or acquaintance? Such accounts would also surely put a damper on our tourist trade, perhaps resulting in the closing of our beloved Harbor inn. The Gazette is ominously quiet on the subject.
So I properly prepared myself for yesterday's trek. No sweet smelling soap for my morning shower; fresh unscented clothing for warmth; coat pockets and gloves combed for evidence of cookie or old Snicker bar crumbs. I even substituted plain old water for my usual bottle of sugary Coke. I equipped myself with a sturdy and sharp pointed old ski pole, thinking I might, so armed, be a match for an emaciated bear. As a last resort strategy, I tucked a couple of granola bars, laced with my most powerful angina painkillers, into a tightly sealed plastic bag. This might serve as an alternative snack item for the hungry bear, allowing me a few moments of idle chatter with my adversary as the drug took effect - then stealing away as the bear went into the land of Oz.
Well, as is evident by the happy event of my being here to write this account, I managed to spend several hours in the spring-tinged winter bush without becoming an entrée at a bear feast. Whether the result of my careful preparation, or the absence of fuzzy diners, I know not. I suppose one might question the basic premise, the bear's propensity for people snacks. Bryson is careful to note that the incidence of bears dining on their superior specie is rare, but I suppose if I shared that bit of knowledge with a bear about to chomp on my nicely toned pot belly, the bear would simply say, "So this is my lucky day!"
My trek, while uneventful as a dining experience, was not without some misfortune. As I ambled back to camp, my own hunger pains beginning to mount, I absentmindedly reached into my pocket, pulled out a delicious looking granola bar, and chomped it down. Ten minutes later I was bathing in Cedar Creek, unable to keep my balance as I attempted to cross the creek by walking along a downed tree - a trick of little consequence a few hours earlier. I bet the stalking bears thought it funny.
The Ah-Wa-Nesha? Who knows the history of one of Eagle Harbor's most b eautiful boats?
For Monthly Snowfalls Since 1957 See Keweenaw Snowfall Record
Dont forget, there is more than fame to be gained. Monthly winners in November through February, the big snow months, will feast on the scrumptious pasties from our friends at Pasty Central , and our total season champ earning the choice of either a Copper Harbor dinner cruise in PEREGRINE, or a weeks use of the Harbor Web's guest cottage.
Forecasts, actual results and identification of winners can be viewed at: 2007 - 2008 Forecasts
For more information, including some Keweenaw snowfall historical data, please go to: 2007- 2008 Keweenaw Snowfall Forecast Contest.
Want to know where and how the snowfall is measured? Go to In Quest Of The Measuring Stick
Early October, 2011 Lake Level is 12" Below Normal And 2" Below This Time Last Year.
For the latest on inflows, outflows, levels, etc. check out Environmemtal Canada's Level News .
Our listing also includes a few "place to stay" possibilities. If you want to list, please send an email with particulars.
Recent listings:
Dave and Peg Carlson - Cedar Point Cabins .
For a report about this year's event and a picture of the pumpkins, see 2003 Eagle Harbor Pumpkin Art Festival
Abby Goes To Fire Drill
November 1, 1999 Storm Photos
Star Raising
Readers pick their Favorite Walkabout PicturesA Collection Of Abby Photos
Keweenaw and Township Development OpinionHere's an archive collection of your Harbor Web Editor's musings and letters to public officials and neighbors on Keweenaw and Township development issues.
The Latest! George weighs in on Township's proposed zoning ordinance. (2/07)
Click .Keweenaw Development.for reports and comment on other development issues.
Recent Additions
Gull Rock Lightkeepers. The lonely little lighthouse off the tip of the Keweenaw has new keepers who are busy restoring it to its former glory. Check out their progress.
Neil Harri Photos
Harbor neighbor Neil Harri is a skilled pilot and photographer, and frequently contributes his photos to the Harbor Web.. We often see him buzzing above the Harbor snapping pictures. Now he has web site for sharing and selling his beautiful photos. Check it out.
Recent Additions:Alan Church, Susan Church, Leslie Haeger, Gene & Pegg Johnson Recent Changes & Corrections.Curt & Barb Pippenger, Gayle McKenney, Sue Kaat, John Gunnari, Julie Goodell Asslin, Gratia Scrutton, John Diemart, Phyllis Diemart, Don Marpe
Eagle Mail A thru G
Eagle Mail H thru O
Eagle Mail P thru Z
More Pages Below.
For updates from this winter's in-progress study go to '08-'09 Notes From the Field
2008 - 2009 Update Report from the Isle Royale/Keweenaw Parks Association. (4/08/2009)
A Message To New Eagle Harbor Web Viewers.
Welcome! Remember the small town newspaper? The Eagle Harbor Web is the same idea gone high tech. Just as corny,as unpredictable,as untimely, but, hopefully, as friendly as the Chillicothe Constitution Gazette,or your town paper of choice. (At least those are my editorial standards.) Perhaps you'll find a few nuggets of stuff you didn't know, will meet some new friends, and enjoy a chuckle or two. It's for anyone with a browser, but if you don't know where the Popeye Rock is, you'll be bored to death. So help yourself to the inside pages by clicking the "picture thumbnails" (the little pictures) and learn what your township has done for you lately, meet some old and new neighbors, say thanks to some special people, find ways to do your part to keep Eagle Harbor special, share a memory, and catch the flavor of the place in AJ's Letter and The Harbor Journal. And please,
Sign The Guestbookand send me your comments, your questions, your news, and any ideas you have to make the Eagle Harbor Web more useful and interesting (keeping in mind the editorial standards.) Thanks for checking in. George, web site editor.
Thanks to these folks for their generous recognition of the Eagle Harbor Web Harbor Moose Population Drops To 650!.
(Click Moose for the Big Picture.) Bet that headline got your attention. OK, so the moose in mind are all on Isle Royale, but it is in Eagle Harbor Township...at least the west half of the island.(East half is Houghton Township...not sure why since on the peninsula Eagle Harbor Township is east of Houghton Township.)
This year’s report from Isle Royale’s wolf/moose winter study is in, and the numbers show the wolf population at 24, up just one from last year’s count. Moose have had another hard year with a loss of over 100 animals, down to 530.
The biggest news from this year’s report is the confirmation that Isle Royale’s wolves are suffering from backbone malformations caused by genetic inbreeding. That finding raises the important question: Do Isle Royale wolves need genetic rescuing? This is the topic of discussion on the Isle Royale Wolf Study website.
You can weigh in on this important issue, or just read what others have said. There are already 114 responses posted today and you are encouraged to join the discussion.
Lake Superior: Does Water In = Water Out?.
We all know it's a big lake. With a surface area of about 31,700 square miles, it exceeds the combined size of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut. There is enough water in the lake, over 3200 billion gallons, to supply the freshwater needs of the 30 million residents in the lake's adjacent states and province for over three years. But how much new water does all the snow and rain add to the lake each year, and if over a period of several years the lake level is stable, as it is, where does all the new water go? Is all this new water flowing through the lake why the lake is so nice and clean? A Web search provided some surprises. For complete article, go to Lake Superior
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